Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Battlefield 3 Weapon Unlocks from Back to Karkand Map Pack

BF3 Back to Karkand Assignments

FAMAS (“Best Friend Forever” assignment)
10 heals
10 revives

L85A2 (“Professional Russian”)
100 kills with assault rifles
20 kills with grenade launcher
Win 5 rounds of Squad Deathmatch

MP5 / HK53 (“Fixing it”)
10 repairs
1 kill with repair torch

QBZ-95B (“It Goes Boom”)
50 anti-tank rocket kills
5 conquest round wins
Destroy 1 enemy vehicle with repair torch

QBB-95 (“Let It Rain”)
20 kills with light machine guns
2 mortar kills

QBU-88 (“Specops”)
20 sniper rifle kills
5 laser designator assists

MG36 (“Keep Your Head Down”)
100 kills with light machine guns
50 suppression kill assists
50 ammo resupplies

L96 (“Creeping Death”)
50 headshots
50 spot assists
5 knife kills

PP-19 (“Familiar Territory”)
Capture 10 flags
Arm 10 MCOM stations
Play 2 hours on Strike At Karkand

Jackhammer / MK3A3 (“Scarred Veteran”)
10 kills with PP-19
10 kills with BTR-90
5 kills with DPV jeep
Play 2 hours on Gulf of Oman
Play 2 hours on Sharqi Peninsula

Can click each assignment on the battlelog to check it out.